Thursday, November 22, 2012

What are the benefits of Web Pages?

After creating and designing a web page and entered into the classroom I find that there are many benefits to the web page for both the teacher and students. However, at the beginning of the designing of the web page you will face some difficulties in the search for a good idea and how to reach students in an easy way. When you complete all the requirements of the curriculum content, it will be very easy for the modernization and development in the future. I think every educator must create a Web page for the classroom. I will mention some of the benefits in web page of the curriculum:
 o   Teachers focus on the development of the learner in high-level thinking.
 o   Provide other sources for students to develop their mental and intellectual skills.
 o  Gain time for the teacher and the student so they can get all the information on one page, and can also  move between resources just click on the link.
 o  Increase gains experience for students through a review of resources to strengthen the learning in the classroom.
 o   Students can solve problems easily.
 o   Teacher can download and update files on the web page at any time.
 o   Students can find the lesson content in a single page and can also transition from one page to another with just one click on the link.
 o  Teacher can submit important homework assignments and schedule deadlines for students on that web page along with receiving their homework assignments as well.
 o   Students can discuss anything with the teacher at any time and also answer their questions.
 o Parents of students can contact the teacher as well as follow up with the educational level of their students and encourage them to develop through the web page.
 o   Teacher and student can share the idea, as well as Video, Media, pictures, and links.
 o   Help keep students safe.

I think it is cool how the web page design of the curriculum in the classroom can be shared and communicated with teachers, students and their parents. Web page is one of the best ways to integrate technology into the classroom, which develop and encourage students to participate in a technical environment and use it effectively. As mentioned in the activity for creating digital storytelling for individual students as a group, students can use higher-level thinking to create a short story step-by-step and share it with other students. Students learn how to focus on one point then continue his memory to supplement the story to reach the goal step by step.

Free Web Site Tools:
- Portaportal
- Google Sites

Johnny, Lee. (2007). The classroom Web Page: A Must-Have in
      2008. Retrieved Feb 19, 2008.
Dave, Chamberlain. (2008). Web 2.0 in the Classroom. Retrieved Oct 11 2008. From:


  1. Hi Muneer!

    Great posting. I found that I also learned a lot by creating a curriculum site for my course materials this semester. I especially agree with your point that "Teachers focus on the development of the learner in high-level thinking." There are few things a teacher can do that are more impactful than this! Thanks for your posting.

  2. Muneer,

    I like your post. I think we could go on and on listing the benefits of teacher webpages/curriculum pages. However, if we had to focus on just one advantage, I would say that these pages facilitate communication between school and home.

    As a middle school teacher, I have run into countless parents over my career who have said something along these lines... Oh, I had no idea that *** was due last week. Little Johnny never told me about it.

    Sound familiar? If we can get more of a buy-in on these curriculum pages, there may just be less and less confusion. And who knows...students may actually get more out of a lesson!

  3. Hi Muneer,

    It is true that webpage have many advantages in education. I have never though this way before I took this class. I think the most important thing is it makes teachers, students and parents communicate conveniently. I agree all of your points here. Thanks for your post.

